米田 透 「響焔」 2018年6月分投句用作品集

最終更新日: 2018年9月22日

青焔集(9句) 締切:2018年6月25日

  青葉木菟     (横浜)米田 透


ga cut ,
俳句 日付 備考
9431 採血の前の日節食夏初め
Eating less one day before blood taking, beginning of summer
2018/5/24 短文
9432 五時起床投句投函初夏の空
Get up at five and post touku, early summer sky
2018/5/25 短文
9433 初夏の風車点検すぐ終わり
Early summer wind, car check quickly completed
2018/5/26 短文
9434 夏の朝除草目標一袋
Early summer morning, weeding for one bag
2018/5/27 短文
9435 梅雨きざす危険域出た血糖値
Rainy season is near, blood-sugar level out of critical region
2018/5/28 短文
9436 二十年目の灯籠流し太平洋
Twentyth Lantern Floating in Pacific Ocean
2018/5/29 短文
9437 飯と汁鶏雉焼きに蛸胡瓜
Rice and soup, chicken saute, octopus and cucumber
2018/5/30 短文
9438 JAバンク今日もまた行き五月末
Go to JA Bank today as well, end of May
2018/5/31 短文
9439 六月の企業年金振り込まれ
Company pention for June was paid
2018/6/1 短文
9440 自治会の会費集まり初夏の宵
Commuinty membership fees gathered, early summer evening
2018/6/2 短文
9441 オーディブルブック聴いては眠り初夏の風
Listen to audible book and sleep, early summer wind
2018/6/3 短文
9442 夏の雲会計役はよく歩き
Summer cloud, accountant walk well
2018/6/4 短文
9443 ミステリー耳から目から梅雨近し
Mystery, from ears from eyes, rainy season is near
2018/6/5 短文
9444 英文の推理小説梅雨に入る
Mystery novel in English, rainy season started
2018/6/6 短文
9445 自治会の活動保険梅雨の空
Insurance for community activities, sky in rainy season
2018/6/7 短文
9446 青胡桃介護年金勧められ
Aokurumi, proposal for kaigonenkin
2018/6/8 短文
9447 冷やし中華具材を細くほそく切り
Cold Chinese noodle, cut toppings thinly
2018/6/9 短文
9448 自転車の鍵抜き忘れ梅雨の昼
Forgot to pull out the key of bicycle, afternoon of rainy season
2018/6/10 短文
9449 自転車の鍵の回収梅雨の朝
Pulled out the key of bicycle, morning of rainy season
2018/6/11 短文
9450 米朝の首脳会談梅雨晴間
US-North Korea summit talk, clear sky during rainy season
2018/6/12 短文
9451 梅雨晴間太い枝にはチェインソー
Sunny day during rainy season, chainsaw for thick branches
2018/6/13 短文
9452 梅雨の空枝下ろし後の筋肉痛
Cloud in rainy season, muscle pain after cutting branches
2018/6/14 短文
9453 暑気払い根津界隈を七八人
Summer party, seven or eight people around Nezu
2018/6/15 短文
9454 婆さん数人爺さん一人七変化
Several old women and one old man, afternoon in rainy season
2018/6/16 短文
9455 照明の取り付けできて夏至間近か
Installation of lighting done, midsummer is nea
2018/6/17 短文
9456 大阪で震度六弱梅雨の朝
Intensity 6 lower at Osaka, morning in rainy season
2018/6/18 短文
9457 若葉家族と食べる他人丼
Evening in rainy season, eat tanindon with family
2018/6/19 短文
9458 寺の後珈琲問屋夏至近し
Coffee wholesaler after temple, midsummer is near
2018/6/20 短文
9459 夏至の日や地球公転揺るぎなく
Midsummer day, revolution of the earth is steady
2018/6/21 短文
9460 犯人は人工知能青葉木菟
Criminal is AI, moon in rainy season
2018/6/22 短文


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