米田 透 「響焔」 2016年6月分投句用作品集

最終更新日: 2016年11月7日

青焔集(9句) 締切:6月25日

    (横浜)米田 透



俳句 日付 備考 短文
8702 新しいカ―バッテリー初夏の雲
New car battery, early summer cloud
2016/5/25 短文
8703 黒南風やなかなか切れぬ鶏の皮
Southerly winds at the beginning of the rainy season, cannot cut chicken skin easily
2016/5/26 短文
8704 画廊を出て銀座で一服初夏の風
Rest in Ginza after visiting gallery, early summer wind
2016/5/27 短文
8705 男五人カレー五種類雲の峰
Five men, five kinds of curry, clouds that stand like a mountain peak
2016/5/28 短文
8706 雑草をめげずに抜いて初夏の風
Pull out weed tirelessly, early summer wind
2016/5/29 短文
8707 友人の車で伊豆へ初夏の風
To Izu by friend's car, early summer wind
2016/5/30 短文
8708 男五人夏の漁港のランチかな
Five men, lunch at fishing port in summer
2016/5/31 短文
8709 六時二十五分テレビ体操南風
TV exercise from 6:25, southerly wind
2016/6/1 短文
8710 数を置くゲーム始めて梅雨間近
Started Number Placement Game, rainy season is approaching
2016/6/2 短文
8711 シャンボール城水に囲まれ酷い夏
Chateau Chambord surrounded by flood water, awful summer
2016/6/3 短文
8712 大南風ビルの谷間の神輿かな
Large southerly, a portable shrine between buildings
2016/6/4 短文
8713 牛丼のレシピ検索梅雨に入る
Search for recipe of beef-over-rice-bowl, rainy season started
2016/6/5 短文
8714 みじん切り器械にやらせ梅雨曇り
Let the machine do crosswise slice, cloudy weather of rain season
2016/6/6 短文
8715 紙の本中古で買って梅雨の宵
Buy secondhand paper books, evening of rainy season
2016/6/7 短文
8716 梅雨の晴れ間ただそれだけでうきうきと
Fine day during rainy season, feel bouncy because of it
2016/6/8 短文
8717 ドライカレーにザワークラウト夏めきて
Dry curry with sauerkraut, summer like weather
2016/6/9 短文
8718 ラグビー部掛け声女性初夏の風
Rugby training lead by female voice, early summer wind
2016/6/10 短文
8719 冷やし中華卵以外はよくできて
Cold ramen, OK except egg cooking
2016/6/11 短文
8720 早朝奉仕夏至近づいて明るくて
Early morning clean-up service, the summer solstice is approaching and alreay bright
2016/6/12 短文
8721 鴉鳴き紫陽花二色雨の中
Crow sings, two colors of hydrangea blossoms in the rain
2016/6/13 短文
8722 灯籠流しニライカナイと交流す
Lantern floating, communicate with niraikanai
2016/6/14 短文
8723 梅雨の空シニア割引ありがたく
Sky of rainy season, thank you for senior discount
2016/6/15 短文
8724 ふりかけの原料談義濃紫陽花
Discussion on ingredients of furikake, concentrated hydrangea
2016/6/16 短文
8725 男でも堂々と差す日傘かな
Inspite of of men, umbrella on sunny day
2016/6/17 短文
8726 囲碁の会病欠一人生ビール
Go game gathering with one ill absentee, draft beer
2016/6/18 短文
8727 半日の断食をして梅雨の寺
Do half-day fast, temple in rainy season
2016/6/19 短文
8728 黒南風や黒粒胡椒買い足して
Southerly winds at the beginning of the rainy season, buy whole black peppercorns refill
2016/6/20 短文
8729 夏至の朝減量成果すぐに出て
Morning of the summer solstice, immediately get result of weight-loss
2016/6/21 短文
8730 六月や作句とゲーム繰り返す
June, making haiku and doing game repeatedly
2016/6/22 短文
8731 鴉避けの檻組み立てて梅雨の朝
Build crow repelling cage for garbage, rainy season morning
2016/6/23 短文


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